FIDES Centre is specialized in providing foreign language courses for institutions that have been organized for more than 25 years.

Fides customers are multinational companies or microenterprises. Fides courses designed for companies are perfectly flexible, adapted to the requirements of the companies in terms of group size, location, schedule, frequency of sessions and pace of teaching.

Fides courses can start any time the collaboration contract is signed and they can be organized for one learner (individual course) or for a larger number of learners (for tens or hundreds of employees of the requesting company).

Fides Centre organizes foreign language courses that range from beginners to advanced, from standard to specialized languages: business, financial & banking, insurance, medical, technical etc.

Collaboration with Fides starts by analysing the company’s desiderata:

  • The Department in charge of courses carries out  detailed discussion with the representative of the company (beneficiary) to find out what is intended through these courses, what is the starting and end level, which is the general profile of students and the budget that the company is willing to spend on training.
  • Prospective learners are given an initial test to assess their level of language knowledge; the level can also be determined by the learners themselves based on a descriptor or on the free tests available on FIDES website.
  • Starting from the results, FIDES proposes a curriculum, a structure and a set of materials, and discusses the proposals with the beneficiary.
  • The content and methodology of the course, timetable, location, fee and payment methods are settled in mutual agreement, followed by the conclusion of a contract.


Methods are interactive and based on the latest materials, including for specialized languages issued by large specialized Western publishing houses.

Courses aim at developing all five basic language skills: comprehension of oral speech; reading comprehension; fluency in conversation; producing an oral speech; expression in writing, but the focus lies on the one appropriate to the company’s goals.

Course content aims at teaching and appropriating the language required for an effective communication in the work environment (presentations, description of the company, position and duties, etc.), it uses case studies that are relevant for the company’s profile and simulations of real communicative situations.


Courses can be organized in modules of 8 weeks each (32 hours), twice a week for two hours or in another mutually agreed version.

We mention that, on request, courses can be organized for companies that span over a higher number of hours (e.g. 36 hours, 48 hours, etc.) or a smaller number of hours.

Assessment of learners’ progress is made both ongoing (continuous assessment, marked by the professor), and at the end of each module (by a written and oral test). The results of the assessment, the attendance and degree of participation of learners are regularly reported to the beneficiary.

Diploma, certificates, confirmations

The participants will receive at the end of the course, upon companydemand and depending on the graduated level:

  • Certificate of attendance;
  •  FIDES diploma having the value of a certificate – the skills are being expressed in accordance with European linguistic standards
  • Certificate of linguistic competence according to the Common European Framework of Reference.

FIDES Centre of Foreign Languages can organize, upon request of the company, the testing of knowledge level in any language of a number of employees or the entire staff of the company (language audit).

Testing consists of a written test and an oral test, covering together the five basic skills (understanding an oral speech; reading comprehension; fluency in oral communication – conversation; producing an oral speech; written expression) or only those skills that the company is directly interested in.

The test result is expressed according to the Common European Framework of Reference (from A1 – poor to C2 – excellent) or in traditional marks (poor, sufficient, good, very good, excellent).

Academia Diplomatica SC IFMA SA
Administratia Nationala Apele Romane Inaltul Comisariat al Natiunilor Unite pentru Refugiati - Reprezentanta in Romania
Ambasada Canadei Institutul de Stiinte ale Educatiei
Ambasada Coreei de Sud Institutul de Diagnostic si Sanatate animala
Ambasada Frantei Kaufland Romania SCS
Ambasada Italiei Lukoil SA
Ambasada Israelului Marshal Turism SRL
Ambasada Regatului Arabiei Saudite Mediapro Management SRL
Asociatia Euro -Teleorman Metro Cash&Carry Romania SRL
Atomic TV Ministerul Agriculturii, Padurilor si Dezvoltarii Rurale
Autoritatea Nationala de Reglementare in Domeniul Gazelor Naturale Ministerul Culturii si Cultelor
Autoritatea Nationala Sanitar - Veterinara si pentru Siguranta Alimentelor a Municipiului Bucuresti Ministerul Economiei si Tradeului
Banca Comerciala "Ion Tiriac" SA Ministerul Integrarii Europene
Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare - Groupe Societe Generale SA Microsoft
SC Bayer SRL Nederlanden - Insurance de Viata Romania SA
Best Computers Oficiul National pentru Refugiati
Reckitt-Benckiser Parchetul de pe langa Curtea Suprema de Justitie
Billa Romania SRL Parchetul National Anticoruptie
Camera de Trade si Industrie a Romaniei SNP Petrom SA
Centrul de Medicine Preventiva al Mapn Piraeus Bank Romania
Citibank Romania SA Porsche Leasing Romania SRL
Compania Nationala Posta Romana Prima TV
Consiliul Concurentei Riso Scotti Romania SRL
Curtea de Conturi a Romaniei SC Romcontrol SA
Delegatia Comisiei Europene Rompetrol
SC Distrigaz Sud SA "Salvati copiii" Romania
Deloitte & Touche Romania Sanoma Hearst Romania SRL
Dufa Romania SRL SC Stefanel Romania SRL
SC Electrica SA Televiziunea Romana TVR 1
Electrolux Romania SA Volvo Trucks Romania
Federatia Romana de Fotbal SC Volksbank Leasing Romania SRL
Flamingo Computers SA Wella Romania
Henkel Bautechnik Romania Whirpool Romania SRL